Trademark application Elenita Café

The success story of Elenita Café
What does my company do? What is my business model?
Elenita Café is a small coffee roasting company where the main focus is on high quality and freshly roasted coffees, as well as fair treatment of everyone involved in the production chain.

How did Recht 24/7 help me?
Recht 24/7 provided me with very competent assistance in registering my word/figurative mark Elenita Café.
The prices for the trademark registration service with Recht 24/7 were clear and transparent right from the start.
Experiences working with Recht 24/7
All my questions were answered in detail and competently within 24 hours and the trademark registration was completed quickly. Many thanks for the professional support!
Website Elenita Café: