Incorporation of GmbH with Recht 24/7
The success story of GmbH
What does our company do? What is our business model?
We offer a potent microdosing alternative for self-awareness, safe and effective, based on classical Mediterranean plants – in the form of SELFCONNECTION SUPPLEMENT.
Let’s experience ourselves and rediscover our true SELF-consciousness – with the over 6 years decoded, consciousness-supporting mode of action of classical food ingredients. No distance was too far for us to offer this revolutionary product. Made in Germany.
How did Recht 24/7 help us?
Recht 24/7 was great in helping me and my company GmbH with the foundation (consulting, foundation documents, correspondence with notary and IHK as well as internally with my co-founder) …
I have been very happy with the service, a really well-rounded offer!
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