Trademark registration at a fixed price
German trademark or EU trademark
Application in 24 hours
by a specialized attorney
Complete package – all services included
Quick and easy to your trademark in Europe and Germany – all services included, no hidden costs
We take care of your trademark registration as a word mark (e.g. protection of your brand name), your word and figurative mark (e.g. protection of your company logo with company name) or your figurative mark (e.g. protection of your logo without characters).
If you are not sure which trademark form – word mark for brand name, word/figurative mark for logo or figurative mark for graphic representation – is the right one for your approach, we will be happy to advise you in the course of your trademark application.
German Trademark
European Trademark
German Trademark BASIC
German Trademark BUSINESS
European Trademark BASIC
European Trademark BUSINESS
Registration of the trademark at the DPMA
List of goods and services
Advice from our lawyers
Registration of the trademark at the DPMA
List of goods and services
Advice from our lawyers
Identity search AND similarity search
Registration of the trademark at the EUIPO
List of goods and services
Advice from our lawyers
Registration of the trademark at the EUIPO
List of goods and services
Advice from our lawyers
Identity search AND similarity search
net price, excl. VAT
additional DPMA application fee (standard fee 290 € incl. three registered classes)
net price, excl. VAT
additional DPMA application fee (standard fee 290 € incl. three registered classes)
net price, excl. VAT
additional EUIPO registration fee (standard fee 850€ incl. one registered class)
net price, excl. VAT
additional EUIPO registration fee (standard fee 850€ incl. one registered class)
Our services in detail
Our attorneys will check whether the trademark you wish to register is protectable and registrable. If this is not the case, we will find a way that leads to a successful application. If, for example, your brand name alone (as a word mark) is not protectable, it is more promising to apply for the trademark with name and graphic representation as a word/figurative mark.
We check the German, European and international trademark register to see whether identical or similar trademarks are already registered – these trademark searches are included in the price! We use the leading search tools on the market for support.
You will receive a detailed search report showing you similar or identical trademarks.
Based on the results of the trademark searches, we advise you on how to successfully apply for your trademark, in particular on the trademark form (word, figurative or figurative trademark). The answering of all queries is included.
Our attorneys will draw up an individual list of goods and services tailored to your company and project for comprehensive trademark protection (Nice Classification).
After coordination of the trademark application and your approval, we register the trademark with the responsible trademark office (DPMA / EUIPO) for you. We take care of the entire application process and correspondence with the Trademark Office.
Law 24/7 is a German Law firm (Recht 24/7 Schröder Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH ) and will be registered as representative for your trademarks. We handle the communication with the trademark office for your application.
We also act as a representative in the Amazon trademark registration (Amazon Brand Registry). As part of registering your brand on the Amazon marketplace, our representative status is verified by Amazon.
As soon as we receive your details, you will receive your trademark application within 24 h.
Our attorneys specializing in trademark law are available to answer all your questions about trademark registration around the clock by e-mail.
You can change or cancel your order at any time.
What our clients say
“Especially in times of digitalization, more and more fashion brands are entering the market through social networks. Through this it is now extremely difficult to protect its word/figurative mark without further problems.
Recht 24/7 conducted an identity search and a similarity search for our brand and thus showed us dangers but also opportunities. The application was filed quickly and efficiently without any problems.”
Customer reviews
I am very pleased with the way the trademark application went. Great research and advice!
Good advice, all questions were answered quickly by mail, the commissioned trademark application worked and there was also feedback that there was no opposition.
Immediate friendly, competent and really helpful support.
Thank you very much.
Excellent service provided by Recht 24-7. I registered 2 trade marks with them, and I am completely satisfied. They are a very professionnal team. I highly recommend.
So we have our complete startup up here now.
- Foundation
- Trademark recognition
- Consulting by lawyers
Everything mega! Everything top! Serious, friendly, courteous
Very fast and professional service. All service was very attentive to my needs and answered any questions I had.
I highly recommend law 24-7!
Super service & super advice! Always happy to do business with us again!!!
Super service at a comparably low price.
The team of Recht 24/7 has advised me very well. The exchange on open questions was always very sound and expeditious. My trademark is now registered and I am very satisfied with the service.
Law 24/7 references
TOP 1 law firm for registered DE trademarks
We have experience since 2003
Specialized in Amazon trademark registration
All services at a glance – compare for yourself
No hidden costs, no packages with additional costs, you get our services at a fixed price!
German Trademark
European Trademark
net price, excl. VAT
additional DPMA application fee (standard fee 290 € incl. three registered classes)
net price, excl. VAT
additional DPMA application fee (standard fee 290 € incl. three registered classes)
net price, excl. VAT
additional EUIPO registration fee (standard fee 850€ incl. one registered class)
net price, excl. VAT
additional EUIPO registration fee (standard fee 850€ incl. one registered class)
This is how easy it is
You mandate us to file a trademark application. That means Recht 24/7 takes over the registration of your trademark with the necessary trademark searches and verifications for you. The whole process is online, uncomplicated and fast.
After the mandate, you will receive access to our online form, which you can use to send us all trademark information (brand name, logo, etc.), applicant data and trademark protection information.
You can also send all your questions about the trademark application along with this information. We will answer the questions in the course of processing your trademark application. The transmission of the data is encrypted, secure and absolutely confidential.
We will get back to you within 24 hours with the results of the trademark searches and checks of your trademark and show you the next steps in the trademark application process. If you have any questions in advance, please do not hesitate to send them to
Your advantages with Law 24/7
Direct Access to Lawyers
We are a law firm – and have been around for more than 18 years.
Via our online platform, you receive legal advice directly and without a middleman from a single source.
Quality and speed
Quality and speed are our top priorities. Law „24/7“ stands for reliable handling of all legal matters within 24 hours.
Fair prices
We stand for fair prices – also when it comes to lawyers. Good and fast legal service does not have to cost a fortune. With our fixed prices, you always have complete transparency with regard to fees and experience no unpleasant surprises.
Questions and answers regarding trademark registration with Law 24/7
Recht 24/7 has been around since 2003. We ensure that your trademark is researched and registered quickly and professionally by a lawyer. Directly to the lawyer – without an intermediary platform and detours. We are among the top law firms for trademark applications in Germany.
We prepare your trademark application within 24 hours after we have received all the necessary information about your trademark, the desired trademark protection and the applicant data.
After your approval, we file the trademark application with the responsible trademark office. The processing at the trademark office until the publication of the trademark in the trademark register usually takes up to 4 months.
To apply for a trademark, a corresponding application must be filed with the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA). The DPMA first checks whether all formal details comply with the legal requirements and whether the official fees have been paid. In addition, the office examines the so-called absolute grounds for refusal. These exist, for example, for trademarks that:
- lack distinctive character
- contain a sovereign sign
- are contrary to public policy or morality.
If there are no grounds for refusal and the formal examination is positive, your trademark will be entered in the trademark register. The entire process is complex and requires competent correspondence with the trademark office. As part of our “Trademark Application” product, we take care of all the necessary steps for you – from a detailed trademark search to the immediate application.
Trademark protection applies in the countries for which the trademark was registered.
For a German trademark, the protection area is Germany; for an EU trademark, the trademark protection applies EU-wide, i.e. in all member states of the European Union.
You will receive your trademark certificate from us after the trademark office has registered and published your trademark in the trademark register. When applying for a German trademark you will receive the trademark certificate in paper form, when applying for an EU trademark you will receive the trademark certificate in digital form (PDF file), as the EUIPO (European Trademark Office) only provides this format.
The goods and services to which trademark protection extends are organized into classes. The trademark classification determines the claimed areas (classes) of the goods or services for which a trademark can be protected.
The official fees (which have to be paid to the Trademark Office after the application has been filed) of an application depend on the number of classes filed and amount to:
At the DPMA for the application of a German trademark:
- 290.00 € for the DPMA standard application fee with up to three classes
- for each additional class 100,00 € office fee
At EUIPO (EU Trademark Office) for the application of an EU trademark:
- standard application fee with one class: 850 €
- second class 50 € additional office fee
- each additional class 150 € additional office fee
Trademarks are not registered across the board. Rather, it must be listed for which goods and/or services your trademark is to be protected. This list of goods and services is therefore an important part of the trademark application, which is incomplete without such a list.
The goods and services to which trademark protection extends are organized into (Nice) classes. The trademark classification determines the claimed areas (classes) of the goods or services for which a trademark can be protected.
This trademark classification is divided into 45 classes using an internationally uniform system, the “Nice Classification”.
Yes, when filing a trademark application through Recht 24/7, Recht 24/7 Schröder Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH is the representative for your trademark application. We take care of the application procedure, clarify queries from the Trademark Office and handle all communication with the Trademark Office.
If you, as the applicant, do not have a place of residence or business or a branch office, it is mandatory that you be represented by a legal or patent attorney admitted to practice in Germany (Section 96 (1) of the German Trademark Act). This is guaranteed with a trademark application through Recht 24/7.
There are three types of trademarks: Word marks, figurative marks, and word/figurative marks.
Word marks are marks consisting of words, letters, numbers or other characters of the character set used by the Trademark Office. The scope of protection of the trademark here refers to the sequence of characters of the word and usually includes all common spellings.
Figurative marks are pictures, figurative elements or illustrations (without word elements).
Word/figurative marks are, as the name suggests, a combination of both. They consist of word and image elements or of words that are graphically designed in a special way. A classic example of this is a logo with lettering or a special spelling. Here, protection extends to the combination of these representations.
We will be happy to advise you on which trademark form is the best option for your trademark application.
The monitoring of your trademark with all the above services costs 29.90 EURO per month.
All databases of the trademark registers DPMA, EUIPO, USPTO & WIPO (Madrid) are searched for identical or similar trademarks.
If the trademark monitoring search report reveals a collision, we will contact you. We will advise you on the best course of action to take against a plagiarist.
If you are a (quasi-) manufacturer of goods, the respective goods protection is required. The protection of goods automatically includes the protection of the associated retail services.
If you are a retailer of a good, the protection of the respective retail service is required, not the protection of the good.
If owners of similar or identical trademarks have set up a trademark watch, they will receive notification of your application.
If confusability is alleged, opposition can be filed against your application. Therefore, we advise you to set up a trademark watch after registering your trademark.
If owners of similar or identical trademarks have set up trademark monitoring, they will receive notification of your application.
If confusion is alleged, opposition to your application may be filed. Therefore, after registering your trademark, we also advise you to set up a trademark watch.
If you are a (quasi-) manufacturer of goods, the respective goods protection is required. The protection of goods automatically includes the protection of the associated retail services.
If you are a retailer of goods, the protection of the respective retail services is required, not the protection of the goods.
There are three types of trademarks: Word marks, figurative marks, and word/figurative marks.
- Word marks are marks consisting of words, letters, numbers or other characters of the character set used by the Trademark Office. The scope of protection of the trademark here refers to the sequence of characters of the word and usually includes all common spellings.
- Figurative marks are pictures, figurative elements or illustrations (without word elements).
- Word/figurative marks are, as the name suggests, a combination of both. They consist of word and picture elements or of words that are graphically designed in a special way. A classic example of this is a logo with lettering or a special spelling. Here, protection extends to the combination of these representations.
We will be happy to advise you on which trademark form is the best option for your trademark application.
Yes, when you file a trademark application through Recht 24/7, Recht 24/7 Schröder Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH acts as the representative for your trademark application. We handle the application procedure, clarify queries from the trademark office and handle all communication with the trademark office.
If you, as the applicant, do not have a place of residence or business or a branch office, it is mandatory that you be represented by a legal or patent attorney admitted to practice in Germany (Sec. 96 (1) Trademark Act). This is guaranteed with a trademark application through Recht 24/7.
Trademarks are not registered in a blanket manner. Rather, it must be listed for which goods and/or services your trademark is to be protected. This list of goods and services is therefore an important part of the trademark application, which is incomplete without such a list.
The goods and services to which trademark protection extends are organized into (Nice) classes. The trademark classification determines the claimed areas (classes) of the goods or services for which a trademark can be protected.
This trademark classification is divided into 45 classes using an internationally uniform system, the “Nice Classification”.
The goods and services to which trademark protection extends are organized into classes. The trademark classification determines the claimed areas (classes) of the goods or services for which a trademark can be protected.
The official fees (which have to be paid to the Trademark Office after the application has been filed) of an application depend on the number of classes filed and amount to:
- At the DPMA for the application of a German trademark
- 290.00 € for the DPMA standard application fee with up to three classes
- for each additional class 100,00 € office fee
- At EUIPO (EU Trademark Office) for the application of an EU trademark
- standard application fee with one class: 850 €
- second class 50 € additional office fee
- each additional class 150 € additional official fee
You will receive your trademark certificate from us after the Trademark Office has registered and published your trademark in the Trademark Register.
If you are applying for a German trademark, you will receive the trademark certificate in paper form.
If you are applying for an EU trademark, you will receive the trademark certificate in digital form (PDF file), as the EUIPO (European Trademark Office) only provides this format.
Trademark protection applies in the countries for which the trademark was applied for.
For a German trademark the protection area is Germany, for an EU trademark the trademark protection applies EU wide, i.e. in all member states of the European Union.
To apply for a trademark, a corresponding application must be filed with the Patent and Trademark Office. The Patent and Trademark Office first checks whether all formal details comply with the legal requirements and whether the official fees have been paid. In addition, the office examines the so-called absolute grounds for refusal. These exist, for example, for trademarks that:
- lack distinctive character
- contain a sovereign sign
- are contrary to public policy or morality.
If there are no grounds for refusal and the formal examination is positive, your trademark will be entered in the trademark register. The entire process is complex and requires competent correspondence with the trademark office.
As part of our “Trademark Application” product, we take care of all the necessary steps for you – from a detailed trademark search to the immediate application.
We will prepare your trademark application within 24 hours after we have received all the necessary information about your trademark, the desired trademark protection and the applicant data.
After your approval, we file the trademark application with the relevant trademark office. Processing at the trademark office until publication of the trademark in the trademark register usually takes up to 4 months.
Recht 24/7 has been around since 2003 and ensures that your trademark is researched and filed quickly and professionally by a lawyer.
Directly to the attorney – without an intermediary platform and detours. We are among the top law firms for trademark applications in Germany.
The BASIC model contains the examination of the protectability of the trademark and its application.
Only with the BUSINESS model is an identity and similarity search included, which is carried out before filing the trademark application.
Register your trademark now
With Law 24/7 you receive all services at a fixed price, no hidden costs, no packages with additional costs. Our fixed price offer includes everything you need for a professional, smooth trademark application.
Get your brand name or logo protected with a trademark application now!
German Trademark
European Trademark
net price, excl. VAT
additional DPMA application fee (standard fee 290 € incl. three registered classes)
net price, excl. VAT
additional DPMA application fee (standard fee 290 € incl. three registered classes)
net price, excl. VAT
additional EUIPO registration fee (standard fee 850€ incl. one registered class)
net price, excl. VAT
additional EUIPO registration fee (standard fee 850€ incl. one registered class)