Stormy Daniels: Porn star’s lawsuit could become a problem for Donald Trump

The alleged affair between Donald Trump and porn actress Stormy Daniels is causing a stir. Daniels claims that Trump paid her hush money before the 2016 presidential election to avoid disclosure. Trump denies the allegations. Now Daniels has filed a lawsuit against the president. The legal battle could be unpleasant for Trump – both privately and politically.
The allegations against Donald Trump
Stormy Daniels claims that Trump had a relationship with her in 2006. According to media reports, the sexual relationship is said to have lasted until 2007. At that time, Trump was already married to his current wife Melania and their joint son Barron was born. Trump denies the allegations.
To avoid publication, Trump is said to have paid hush money, according to Daniels. His lawyer Michael Cohen allegedly paid Daniels $130,000 out of his own pocket. Trump denies knowing about the payment. The hush agreement between Cohen and Daniels was intended to prevent the affair from becoming public before the presidential election.
The lawsuit against the president
Now Daniels has filed a lawsuit against Trump. She wants to have the 2016 hush agreement declared null and void. Among other things, she points out that Trump never signed the contract. Daniels could present further evidence for her allegations. The possibility of Trump’s conviction for possible violations of campaign finance laws is being discussed. He enjoyed immunity while president, but his former lawyer Michael Cohen claims to have acted at Trump’s direction. Trump has publicly admitted ordering the payments to Cohen to stop alleged false charges.
A conviction could result in up to four years in prison, U.S. observers said. However, it is entirely unclear whether a conviction would actually result in jail time.
Potential impact on Trump’s presidency
Daniels’ lawsuit could be politically awkward for Trump. A civil rights group has called on the U.S. Election Commission to investigate whether the $130,000 payment to Daniels was an illegal campaign contribution. In addition, there are questions about whether Trump knew about the payment. The debate over Daniels also draws attention to Trump’s relationship with women. First Lady Melania Trump has not yet responded publicly to the allegations against her husband. There is speculation that she had herself demonstratively driven to important appointments in her own car several times in protest against her husband’s behavior, instead of accompanying him as usual.
What happens next
The legal dispute with Stormy Daniels could have unpleasant consequences for Donald Trump – both privately and politically. The possibility for Trump to run for the presidency in 2024 exists even in the event of a conviction. Trump has already announced that he will not withdraw his candidacy if he is indicted. It could be months or even years before a potential conviction. But even in the event of a guilty verdict, Trump would have the right to run for election. There are even precedents in U.S. history, such as Eugene Debs, who ran for president from prison in 1920 despite being indicted and convicted.