Have Real Estate Purchase Agreement reviewed2024-02-23T13:21:06+01:00

Have your Real Estate Purchase Agreement reviewed

  • Review of Your Real Estate Purchase Agreement

  • Within 24 Hours

  • By a specialized Lawyer

  • Including your Questions

Real Estate Purchase Agreement Review – A Comprehensive Overview of All Services

  • Comprehensive Contract Review of your Purchase Agreement

Your lawyer will review your purchase agreement against the latest case law and legal situation and prepare an overview of comments and amendments to the contract for you, which will be sent to you as a PDF file.

  • Recht 24/7 Clause Check

Your lawyer evaluates individual critical contractual passages and clauses in the purchase agreement. Risks will be explicitly pointed out. At the same time, your lawyer will suggest favorable clauses and formulations that should be included in the purchase agreement in your favor.

  • Queries

You can send us as many questions about the result as you like. No question about the purchase agreement should remain unanswered.

  • Immediately

We guarantee processing within 24 hours in all cases. The average processing time is two hours.

Processing within 24 Hours

Fixed Fee
EUR 219.00

Covers All Services
No Hidden Suprises
Gross Total, incl. VAT.

Member of the German Bar Association

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Member of the Munich Bar Association

Mitglied Rechtsanwaltskammer München

Our Clients‘ Reviews

Review Your Real Estate Purchase Agreement: A Breeze with Us

1. Order Online Now

Assign us the task of reviewing your Real Estate Purchase Agreement.

Online, effortless and prompt.

2. Submit Your Agreement

After your order you’ll gain access to our secure online form for sharing the Real Estate Purchase Agreement and your questions .

Your transmission is encrypted for the utmost confidentiality.

3. Agreement Review

Our lawyers will review your Real Estate Purchase Agreement based on the latest case law and legislation.

You will receive your Real Estate Purchase Agreement back within 24 hours with information, suggested changes, and answers to your questions.

If you have any questions about the contract review, do not hesitate to ask the lawyer involved.

Fixed Fee EUR 219.00, Gross

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Benefits of Reviewing your Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Recht 24/7

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Established over 20 years ago, we’re not just any law firm.

Through our online platform, you get direct, unmediated legal advice from a trusted source.

Quality and Speed

Quality and speed are our top priorities. Recht „24/7“ stands for reliable handling of all legal matters within 24 hours.

Fair Prices

We believe in fair pricing, even in the legal world. Quality and prompt legal service can be affordable. With our fixed rates, you’ll always have clear insight into costs, free from unexpected surprises.

Guarantee of Satisfaction

For more than two decades, the trust and satisfaction of our clients has been our top priority.
This is demonstrated by our ratings and awards, which document the satisfaction with our services.


As a German law firm, we are liable for our advice. Therefore we are insured by HDI Versicherung for damages up to 2.500.000,00 EURO.

Clear Results

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Have your Real Estate Purchase Agreement reviewed: With Recht 24/7 at a fair Fixed Fee

Have you found a buyer for your property? Great, now it’s time to finalize the sale. The real estate purchase contract is the most important basis for this. But be careful! A lot of money is at stake when selling a house or apartment. Even small errors in the contract can cost you dearly as the seller. Reason enough to have the real estate contract checked. We’ll tell you why you should definitely have the purchase contract checked by a lawyer, which points are particularly important during the check and which documents you need for a contract check.

Why you should have a real estate purchase contract checked by a lawyer

In Germany, a real estate purchase agreement only becomes effective once it has been signed by both parties at a notary appointment and then notarized by the notary. This is because changes to the ownership structure can only be applied for in the land register once it has been notarized.

Many buyers and sellers think that the notary will check a real estate purchase contract for fine details. This is a mistake! A notary is fundamentally obliged to remain neutral and is only responsible for the legally correct framework conditions.

This means that a notary does not have to point out clauses in the purchase contract that are disadvantageous to you. You are responsible for ensuring that the real estate purchase contract does not contain any nasty surprises for you. It is not uncommon for the other party to provide the text of the contract – and for it to contain disadvantageous passages or contractual loopholes.

For this reason, you should definitely have the purchase contract for a property checked by a lawyer.

This is the only way to ensure that the purchase contract does not contain any clauses that are unfavorable to you. The following questions are particularly important:

  • Are all elements of the sale adequately regulated?
  • Have all the necessary permits/documents been obtained?
  • What applies in the event of defects in the property? Does the buyer have enforceable liability claims?
  • Who pays the fees for the notary, land registry and any necessary official approvals?
  • Do you as the seller have to pay a contractual penalty if, for example, you do not meet the agreed handover date?
  • Is a handover protocol enclosed with the purchase contract? Is it sufficiently detailed (defects, meter readings)?

Unlike a notary, a lawyer will inform you about disadvantageous contract contents and help you to assert your personal interests in the best possible way. In addition, a lawyer will advise you on your other rights and obligations associated with the sale of the property.

Have the purchase contract for a property checked: These points are particularly important

A real estate purchase contract must contain various mandatory details in order to be legally valid. These include

  • Information on the contracting parties (personal data, tax ID)
  • Information on the payment modalities (purchase price, payment method and time)
  • Information on the property (e.g. location, address, land register district)
  • Information from the land register extract (land register encumbrances, land charges)
  • Information on the transfer of ownership (time of transfer, rights and obligations arising)

If this information is missing or imprecisely formulated, you may not be able to assert any legal claims later. For this reason alone, you should have a purchase contract for a house checked by a lawyer.

Depending on the real estate purchase agreement, these mandatory contents are supplemented by other individual contractual clauses. Caution is advised here, as these can be both advantageous and disadvantageous for you.

One example of this is the payment terms agreed in the contract. It is essential that the property purchase contract stipulates when the buyer must pay the purchase price and what happens if the buyer does not meet the agreed payment deadlines.

The exclusion of liability is also important. Make sure that your liability as the seller is excluded for defects that are already known to the buyer when the contract is concluded. A lawyer will ensure that this clause is worded in a legally sound manner.

Last but not least: Handing over the keys. If you hand over the key before the purchase price has been paid in full, you are making a one-sided, unsecured advance payment. This is generally not recommended. If the contract has to be rescinded later – for example, because the buyer does not pay the purchase price after all – you will have to initiate a costly and time-consuming eviction action.

If you would still like to agree a handover of keys with the buyer before the purchase price is paid, specific agreements regarding a possible reversal should be set out in the property purchase contract.

Have the purchase agreement checked by a lawyer: What documents are required?

In order to have the purchase contract for a property checked, some information or documents are required. These include

  • a draft of the purchase or notarized contract (for more information on the topic of “Notarized contract”, see our article “Real estate purchase contract:
  • Checking the notarized contract before the notary appointment”)
  • An extract from the land register
  • Exposé and building permit (depending on the individual case)
  • Parcel map

When buying a condominium, you should

  • a notarized declaration of division and the community regulations
  • the partition plan and the certificate of completion and
  • the collection of resolutions and minutes of the last owners’ meetings

to have ready.

What does it cost to have a real estate purchase contract checked?

The costs for reviewing a real estate purchase contract vary depending on the type of contract and the amount of the purchase price and are usually between 0.4 and 1 percent of the purchase price.

Recht 24/7 offers you a comprehensive contract review of your real estate purchase contract for a fixed price of EUR 219 including VAT. This covers all services and includes any number of follow-up questions. None of your questions should remain unanswered.

We guarantee that we will process your request within 24 hours.

Check your real estate purchase contract online with Recht 24/7: What points does the check cover?

Our lawyers assess the entire contract and its clauses, in particular

  • the accuracy of the mandatory information
  • Warranty exclusion
  • transfer regulations
  • the exclusion of liability
  • the registration of a priority notice
  • Securing the financing
  • the declaration of division

After the review, you will receive your purchase contract back with comments. Based on these comments, we will point out disadvantageous contract contents and suggest better wording in your favor.

Have your real estate purchase agreement checked: The most important points in brief

  • A real estate purchase contract must be notarized.

  • A notary is obliged to remain neutral and will not draw your attention to disadvantageous contract contents.

  • You should definitely have a real estate purchase contract checked by a lawyer before signing it.

  • A lawyer will point out missing or incorrect clauses and suggest improvements.

  • Check real estate purchase contract online: With Recht 24/7 at a fair fixed fee.

Real Estate Purchase Agreement Review Questions and Answers with Recht 24/7

Why have your contract reviewed by Recht 24/7?2023-04-20T11:19:19+02:00

Recht 24/7 has been around since 2003. We are the original and ensure that your contract is reviewed quickly and professionally by a lawyer. Directly to the lawyer – without a mediation platform and detours.

The whole thing in 24 h!

What contracts does Recht 24/7 review?2023-04-20T11:16:12+02:00

We check all contracts. The Recht 24/7 contract check is particularly suitable for:

  • Real estate purchase contracts
  • Property development contracts
  • Contracts for work
  • Eemployment contracts
  • Managing director contracts
  • Rental agreements
  • Franchise agreements
How long does it take to review my contract?2023-04-20T11:15:03+02:00

You will receive the results in 24 hours at the latest (guaranteed processing time). The average processing time is about 2 hours.

Can I ask questions about the contract review?2023-04-20T11:14:25+02:00

Yes, you can ask as many questions as you like about your contract review. Please send them directly to vertrag@recht24-7.de with your order number.

Who will review my contract?2023-04-20T11:13:07+02:00

Your contract will be reviewed by a specialized, experienced attorney from our team.

How do I get the result?2023-04-20T11:12:16+02:00

You will receive the revision in a comprehensively annotated PDF file by e-mail together with the evaluation of your contract.

The upload to the contract check does not work – what can I do?2023-04-20T11:11:38+02:00

Mostly it is because the file is too big. The current limit in the online form is 5 MB.

No problem: Send us all documents to vertrag@recht24-7.de. You can place your order in parallel (without uploading). We will then assign your order to the documents.

Or we will send you an upload link, with which you can easily upload documents without size limitation. Just send a short email to vertrag@recht24-7.de and you will receive the upload link.

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Our Blog Posts on Real Estate Purchase Agreement

With Recht 24/7, you receive all services at a fixed fee, no hidden costs, no packages with additional costs. Our fixed-fee offer includes everything you need to check your real estate purchase agreement.

Fixed Fee EUR 219.00, Gross

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