Property development contract review2024-02-23T13:32:46+01:00

Review Property Development Contract – Immediately, Easily and Quickly.

  • Review Property Development Contract

  • Within 24 Hours

  • By a specialized Lawyer

  • Including your Questions

Review Property Development Contract – A Comprehensive Overview of All Services

  • Comprehensive contract review of your property development contract

Your lawyer will review your property development contract against the latest case law and legislation and prepare an overview of comments and amendments to the contract for you, which will be sent to you as a PDF file.

  • Recht 24/7 Clause Check

Your lawyer evaluates individual critical contractual passages and clauses in the property development contract. Risks will be explicitly pointed out. At the same time, your lawyer will suggest clauses and formulations that are favorable to you and should be included in the property development contract in your favor.

  • Your questions

You can send us as many questions as you like about the result. No question about the property development contract should remain unanswered.

  • Immediately

We guarantee processing within 24 hours in all cases. The average processing time is two hours.

Processing within 24 hours

Fixed Fee
219,00 EURO

Covers all Services
No hidden Suprises
Gross Total, including VAT

Member of the German Bar Association

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Member of the Munich Bar Association

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Our Clients‘ Reviews

Review Your Property Development Contract: A Breeze with Us

1. Order Online Now

Assign us the task of reviewing your property development contract.

Online, effortless and prompt.

2. Submit Your Contract

After your order you’ll gain access to our secure online form for sharing the property development contractand your questions .

Your transmission is encrypted for the utmost confidentiality.

3. Contract Review

Our lawyers will review your property development contract based on the latest case law and legislation.

You will receive your contract back within 24 hours with information, suggested changes, and answers to your questions.

If you have any questions about the contract review, do not hesitate to ask the lawyer involved.

Have your Property Development Contract reviewed: Contract Review ensures Legal Certainty

Around two thirds of all building contracts for houses are faulty. This was the result of a statistical survey by the Association of Private Builders (VPB ). Nevertheless, it is difficult for legal laypersons to discover errors in a building contract.

The safe way is to have the building contract checked before signing it. This article explains where you can have your building contract reviewed, what costs you can expect and where typical pitfalls lurk.

What is a building contract?

The definition of a building contract can be found in Section 650a (1) of the German Civil Code (BGB):

“A building contract is a contract for the construction, restoration, removal or conversion of a building, an outdoor facility or a part thereof.”

In practice, the building contract is a sub-form of the contract for work and services. It is aimed at bringing about a result – e.g. the completion of a building.

What does a building contract contain?

A building contract should contain the following contract components:

  • Data and plans for the building (e.g. floor plans, sections and views)
  • Description of the equipment and technical building systems (sanitary facilities, electrical installations, outdoor facilities)
  • Information on the date of completion
  • Information on the energy and sound insulation standard
  • Price guarantees
  • List of services

The bill of quantities is particularly important. All services to be provided by the contractor are specified here. These can be, for example

  • the erection of the shell
  • the installation of windows and doors
  • the laying of floor coverings (e.g. laminate, carpet, tiles)
  • bricklaying, roofing or painting work
  • Work on outdoor facilities, e.g. the construction of fences or garden design

The respective services including the individual work steps as well as details about the type and quality of the building materials should be determined as precisely as possible. In this way, disputes can be avoided at a later date – for example due to deviating execution.

Building contract according to BGB or VOB: these are the differences

Building contracts can be concluded in accordance with the German Civil Code (BGB) or the German Construction Contract Procedures (VOB). A building contract under the BGB applies to the private construction sector and is concluded between private contracting parties. A VOB building contract applies to the public construction sector and is used for contracts awarded by public clients (e.g. a municipality).

BGB and VOB building contracts differ in some respects. For example, compared to the BGB building contract, a VOB building contract contains additional provisions on the award procedure and its conditions of participation.

The following applies with regard to deadlines: In a building contract according to the BGB, all deadlines or interim deadlines must be specified. In a building contract in accordance with the VOB, however, only the start of construction and the completion date are specified. Interim deadlines can be specified approximately.

There are also differences in the due date for payment. While payment is due automatically after acceptance and receipt of the final invoice for a BGB building contract, the invoice for a VOB building contract must contain additional proof of performance, which can be amended before payment is made.

Another difference: The BGB building contract grants private individuals a 5-year claim to rectification of defects, while public clients only have 4 years to make claims for defects.

Why have a building contract reviewed?

Many building contracts do not comply with the law or are at least defective. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, building contractors are not familiar with the new building contract law that has been in force since 2018. As a result, they use old contract templates that often disadvantage clients.

Occasionally, construction companies deliberately use old forms and clever wording to generate additional profits at the expense of the client.

For this reason, you should have a building contract reviewed by a lawyer. The costs for this are low compared to the potential damage. A lawyer will point out any clauses that are incorrect or disadvantageous for you and help you to adjust the relevant contract contents in your favor.

Have the building contract reviewed: typical mistakes can be avoided

Turnkey is not always ready to move in

You need to be careful with buzzwords such as “turnkey” or “ready to move in”. These terms are not legal terms and are therefore not clearly defined. In practice, this can mean that a construction company considers the property to be “turnkey” even though the entrance steps, terrace or even flooring inside the house are missing. A lawyer will help you to concretize the respective contents in a legally secure manner.

Missing clauses on contractual penalties for exceeding the construction period

Construction projects often take longer than expected or agreed. For this reason, a building contract should stipulate whether and to what amount you as the builder are entitled to a contractual penalty or compensation for delay as soon as completion is delayed. It is important that the clause is worded in a legally sound manner, which can be ensured by legal counsel.

Insufficiently defined construction and service description

The construction and service description (BLB for short) is an essential part of the building contract. It defines the services to be provided, their structural execution and the remuneration. In addition, the quality of the building materials and the technical equipment are specified. The following applies: To avoid unexpected additional costs, the BLB should be formulated in as much detail as possible with the help of a lawyer in order to avoid a later legal dispute.

Lack of price agreements

The current shortage of building materials poses major problems for builders and construction companies. Prices are difficult to calculate. It is therefore important to agree specific material quantities and costs in the building contract. This gives you as the client planning security. To avoid disputes, the calculation can also be agreed with daily prices. A lawyer will help you to include the relevant clauses in the contract in a legally secure manner.

Where can I have my building contract reviewed?

You should have a building contract reviewed by a specialist lawyer. They will ensure that the contract is complete and complies with the legal regulations. In addition, a lawyer will incorporate your individual wishes into the contract in a legally secure manner.

Consumer advice centers of the federal states, the TÜV or nationwide associations (e.g. the Bauherren-Schutzbund) also offer a corresponding check.

Have the building contract reviewed online

You can have your building contract reviewed online by many lawyers and consumer advice centers. To do this, you upload the building contract as a PDF document and, if necessary, name certain clauses about which you have questions or comments. You will usually receive an answer within a few hours.

Have the building contract reviewed by a lawyer: the costs

If you would like to have your entire building contract checked by a lawyer, you should expect costs of EUR 1,500-2,500. As a rule, these are based on the so-called object value. This means that the higher the construction sum, the more expensive it is to have the building contract checked.

Some lawyers charge a flat rate for the contract review. The flat-rate costs for a contract review, a clause check and answering any follow-up questions are usually between EUR 100 and EUR 150.

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Benefits of Reviewing your Property Development Contract with Recht 24/7

Direct Access to Lawyers

Established over 20 years ago, we’re not just any law firm.

Through our online platform, you get direct, unmediated legal advice from a trusted source.

Quality and Speed

Quality and speed are our top priorities. Recht „24/7“ stands for reliable handling of all legal matters within 24 hours.

Fair Prices

We believe in fair pricing, even in the legal world. Quality and prompt legal service can be affordable. With our fixed rates, you’ll always have clear insight into costs, free from unexpected surprises.

Guarantee of Satisfaction

For more than two decades, the trust and satisfaction of our clients has been our top priority.
This is demonstrated by our ratings and awards, which document the satisfaction with our services.


As a German law firm, we are liable for our advice. Therefore we are insured by HDI Versicherung for damages up to 2.500.000,00 EURO.

Clear Results

We deliver clear outcomes and straightforward guidance. „Law Made Easy“ isn’t just our motto—it’s reflected in our clear communication and client recommendations.

Property Development Contract Review Questions and Answers with Recht 24/7

Why have your contract reviewed by Recht 24/7?2023-04-20T11:19:19+02:00

Recht 24/7 has been around since 2003. We are the original and ensure that your contract is reviewed quickly and professionally by a lawyer. Directly to the lawyer – without a mediation platform and detours.

The whole thing in 24 h!

What contracts does Recht 24/7 review?2023-04-20T11:16:12+02:00

We check all contracts. The Recht 24/7 contract check is particularly suitable for:

  • Real estate purchase contracts
  • Property development contracts
  • Contracts for work
  • Eemployment contracts
  • Managing director contracts
  • Rental agreements
  • Franchise agreements
How long does it take to review my contract?2023-04-20T11:15:03+02:00

You will receive the results in 24 hours at the latest (guaranteed processing time). The average processing time is about 2 hours.

Can I ask questions about the contract review?2023-04-20T11:14:25+02:00

Yes, you can ask as many questions as you like about your contract review. Please send them directly to with your order number.

Who will review my contract?2023-04-20T11:13:07+02:00

Your contract will be reviewed by a specialized, experienced attorney from our team.

How do I get the result?2023-04-20T11:12:16+02:00

You will receive the revision in a comprehensively annotated PDF file by e-mail together with the evaluation of your contract.

The upload to the contract check does not work – what can I do?2023-04-20T11:11:38+02:00

Mostly it is because the file is too big. The current limit in the online form is 5 MB.

No problem: Send us all documents to You can place your order in parallel (without uploading). We will then assign your order to the documents.

Or we will send you an upload link, with which you can easily upload documents without size limitation. Just send a short email to and you will receive the upload link.

Our Articles on the Topic of Property Development Contracts

With Recht 24/7, you receive all services at a fixed price, no hidden costs, no packages with additional costs. Our fixed-fee offer includes everything you need to review your property development contract.

Fixed Fee € 219.00, Gross

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