Legal texts for Stefanie Schmiedeberg – Life and Business Coach

Stefanie Schmiedeberg introduces herself
What does my company do? What is my business model?
I work as a life and business coach and accompany you in the realization of your wishes, goals and dreams. In doing so, I respond to you and take care of you holistically and individually with a lot of empathy. My coaching is designed to support you in taking your life into your own hands, to create a healthy work – life balance, to find yourself and to live your life with joy and ease.
How did Law 24/7 help me?
As a coach, I need customized legal texts that fit my work and my offerings. Recht 24/7 created customized legal texts for me, with which I am very satisfied.
What went well in the cooperation with Recht 24/7?
The legal texts were created individually for me. They took the time to listen to me and create texts that really fit. 5 stars – I can recommend Recht 24/7 to everyone!